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Project Choices!

You have a variety of options to choose from to complete the project your way!  See the options below with their points possible.  You MUST choose ONE option from each part of the project to total 250 points!

Part 1: Tribute Contest

Adopt a grade level or homeroom class from middle school or elementary school and help them create a class entry for the Tribute contest.  The entry would demonstrate the class’s feelings and beliefs about patriotism  and citizenship in a digital format, such as a documentary, digital storybook, service announcement, or short film.  Entry must include personal experiences, photos, and examples of patriotism and citizenship.  Interviews with veterans or active military personnel should be included.

100 points 

Create your own entry, including your feelings and beliefs about patriotism  and citizenship in a digital format, such as a documentary, digital storybook, service announcement, or short film.  Entry must include personal experiences, photos, and examples of patriotism and citizenship.  Interviews with veterans or active military personnel should be included.

75 points 

Create your own entry from one of the options above, without the use of technology (essays, poems, artwork, speeches), to express your feelings about patriotism and citizenship. An interview should be included. See essay guidelines on Saluting America packet.

50 points

Adopt an elementary student and help them create an entry for the tribute contest.  The entry would be in essay format, or could be a poem, a piece of artwork, or a speech.

25 points

Part 3: Service Project

Work with the Wounded Warriors Project and to host a fundraising event prior to November 1, from which proceeds will be donated to the Wounded Warrior’s Project.  Arrange to have a Warrior come and speak at our Veteran’s Day event, at which time you will present them with the check from your event!

100 points


Create a school-wide fundraiser to raise money for Pets for Vets.  Invite a representative from Pets for Vets to the school on Veteran’s Day (November 11) to present them with a check towards getting a pet to a vet!

75 points


Adopt a grade level or homeroom class and work with a local group, such as wounded warriors or the DAV, to create a volunteer event.  (You might bake have your adoptees bake cookies, for example, and all of you will take them to the group you have partnered with for distribution.)

50 points


Volunteer your time with a local organization that helps veterans or active military personnel.  This could include volunteering for a specific event, or at a veteran’s home, etc.

25 points

Part 2: Tribute Cards

Adopt a high school grade level and work with adoptees to fill out tribute cards, get tribute cards from their parents and families/friends. Also collect tribute cards filled out by high school teachers and FVA building staff. Collect and distribute tribute cards to Veterans in the area. Use the Saluting America Packet as a guideline.

100 points


Adopt a grade level or homeroom class from middle school or elementary school and work with adoptees to fill out tribute cards, get tribute cards from their parents and families/friends, work with adoptee teacher to collect and turn in all tribute cards, using the Saluting America Packet as a guideline.

75 points


Work with your church or a group you belong to (scouts, youth group, etc.) and have them fill out tribute cards for veterans and military personnel. Cards should include thoughts and sentiments about the role of service men and women in our country. Use the Saluting America Packet as a guideline.

50 points


Work with family and friends to fill out/ decorate tribute cards for veterans and active military personnel. Cards should include thoughts and sentiments about the role of service men and women in our country. Use the Saluting America Packet as a guideline.

25 points

Part 4: Event Participation

Create a Public Service Announcement or commercial to advertise our Veteran’s Day event on November 11.  Event advertising should appeal to Falcon Virtual Academy students, families, staff, and district offices, and should be distributed to the school, the school district, families, and local media (newspapers, news channels, etc.). Work with school officials to gain contact and distribution information.

100 points


Invite and confirm military guests for our Veteran’s Day event.  Guests should include veterans of all ages (Disabled American Veterans, Wounded Warriors, active duty military, etc.).  Guests should be prepared to answer questions if necessary, from students, staff, and families. 

75 points


Help usher and serve guests at our Veteran’s Day Event on November 11.  This may include greeting guests upon arrival, help with parking, ushering guests to seating areas, serving guests food or beverages, etc. You may be called upon to help organize a certain “station” at the event.

50 points

Help set up and take down before and after the event.  This may include moving furniture, chairs, etc., setting up or cleaning up food, making sure floors are clean, trash is taken care of, etc.

25 points

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